First Mass Shrine
Mary Ann had the beautiful privilege for many years to see Our Lord as He instituted and offered the First Mass with His Apostles on Holy Thursday. On April 4, 1969, at the time of the transubstantiation she saw a small image of Our Lord under each particle of bread, and on Good Friday, March 27, 1970, an image of His pierced Heart above each Apostle's chalice with blood flowing into it. Each scene representing His Real Presence. Solemn and sacred, each Mass then will always be the renewal of Calvary and His death upon the Cross for our sins. His command to the Apostles, "Do This In Memory Of Me." So from then on and until time is no more, the Mass will always be the most important religious service to all true Christians in the World, because through it they, with the priest, are offering the perfect sacrifice and share in Christ's divinity as they receive Him into their hearts and souls in Holy Communion.
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