August 15th Vigil
August 15th Anniversary Day
The August 15th Anniversary Day Observance was very
successful. We were blest with weather that was perfect with mid 70's and
a slight breeze. The large crowd of pilgrims who came to honor Our Blessed
Mother came early so they could proudly carry their state flags in the
Procession. We were honored to have a visitor in military uniform carry
the U.S. flag, flanked by the Papal flag and the God and Country flag, while the
statue of Our Holy Mother was carried on the shoulders of four of our young men.
The children who followed carrying flowers to the Sacred Spot, and the many
visitors with state flags, were anxious to honor Our Heavenly Queen by also
singing the Shrine song "Ave, Ave" as their long line processed through the
Shrine Grounds.
After reaching the Sacred Spot the song "Bring
Flowers of the Rarest" was sung and the children presented their flowers to Our
Blessed Mother while the statue of Our Lady was crowned with the beautiful gold
crown with all its jewels.
When the Prayer Vigil at the Sacred Spot was finished all
were invited to the Mediatrix of Peace Hall for refreshments and a very
inspiring talk by one of our youth group members on the Pro-life activities of
their group. By request of many who were present, it is now being shared
with you our readers.
"Good Afternoon! My name is Therese.
I am a graduate of Queen of the Holy Rosary School and recent President of the
Crusaders of Life. Our pro-life group was formed three years ago on
January 22. It was at that first meeting that we, the Crusaders, were
taught the importance of 100% commitment, not just in the pro-life movement, but
in every thing that we are called to do. 100% commitment to God. As
young Catholic men and women we are called to a higher standard for ourselves
and a greater commitment. We are to serve as examples among our peers.
This is difficult in a society that opposes the most basic truth, that all human
life is precious, born and unborn.
Although our group is small, we are dedicated to protecting
and defending life. Each month we go out and picket at an abortion clinic
in either Appleton or Madison, Wisconsin. During the School year we
started a monthly holy hour. We ran a Christmas Drive for a local single
mother in need. We collected food, clothes, toys and other necessities.
During Lent we organized a change drive and raised money for nine other single
mothers in the area. This summer we participated in a few of the local
parades spreading the message of Life.
Abortion has claimed 1/3 of our generation, about 4,000
children every day. Our Lady of Necedah has said time and time again that
the laity must work. The laity must work. I would like to read a
message from Our Holy Mother April 2, 1971 - Good Friday: "The sins
in your country are so overwhelming, thousands, thousands, thousands and
thousands of infants destroyed. There is no way to reconcile this.
The parents that have done this will pay the penalty in one way or another.
You cannot sin against God and expect to be rewarded. Many and many of
these little infants when they were born, they cried; they cried bitterly.
Some of the nurses could hardly take it and some infants were strangled.
It is inhuman, inhuman, and someone must pay. Your Nation has fallen into
the traps of Satan. The beautiful America cannot be proud. The
Statue of Liberty stands with a shameful face instead of a proud Statue.
Where is the Liberty of all those human lives, lives taken? Is that
Liberty? No, so you know the consequences that your Nation must face, and
that is the Chastisement. Every State, every home responsible will suffer.
Every Doctor, every Priest, every Nun responsible for a life must pay the
penalty. God will not be mocked. God will not be mocked. God
does not permit murder. Remember it is murder. Any human life, no
matter how small, is murder. The penalty is suffering and for many hell.
It is our obligation to fight abortion, to fight
pornography. We must properly educate the youth. We must promote
true chastity. We have to stop and analyze our own lives, are we doing
everything we can to destroy this culture of death and promote the culture of
Life? We will be held accountable not only for everything that we do,
but also for that whick we neglect to do. This is a spiritual battle
and evil cannot be conquered without the help Our Lord and His Holy Mother.
We are mere instruments in God's hand.
The work that we do is in vain if it is not firmly supported
by prayer. On June 18, 1971 - Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus - Our
Blessed Mother said: "Not enough effort made for the Constant Vigil of
Prayer. Not enough effort made, for reparation, penance and sacrifice to
save the Country, and the Youth. that means in hour U.S.A. there is
reparation needed. So much for every little child or infant that was not
permitted to be born, and life put into it, it's life was snuffed away.
Make reparation for that. For if you do not try, the Chastisement will be
so severe that you will scream and lament and you will cry and there will be
some who will so foolishly take their lives. That will not be the answer.
That is not the answer."
Recently the Crusaders went to the Appleton abortion mill
for an overnight prayer Vigil. The entire group picketed during the day.
People continuously prayed in front of the mill throughout the night and into
the next morning. A few weeks after we returned home, we received a letter
from a gentleman that is out in front of the Appleton abortion mill every day.
He wrote, that after our all night vigil, abortions were down from 30 to 19.
If we could encourage more people to join us in our pickets,
I know that we could shut the mill down. Prayer is so powerful. the
Blessed Mother wants to help us, she wants to help her children, but we must
give ourselves to Her and beg Her assistance. Our Holy Mother in Her
messages here, begs us to work feverishly on the Constant Vigil of Prayer.
This is the most repeated request in Our Blessed Mother's messages at Necedah.
We have the ability to lessen the severity of the Chastisement, if we would be
the foundation of all of our work. We must awaken people with prayer.
We have to promote chastity. Chastity begins in the
home and it is instilled in the heart of each young individual. Teens
today have such a misconception of true chastity. They say chastity is
abstinence and they stop there. Chastity is so much more. It is a
strong virtue that directs how we act, how we dress, how we talk, and who we
choose to associate with. Chastity teaches us to model ourselves after our
Blessed Mother and Saint Joseph and strive to live as they lived. We are
to view ourselves as temples of the Holy Spirit. This is no longer taught
in schools. Today women are no longer taught to command respect by the way they
dress and act. This has resulted in thousands of teenage pregnancies and
thousands of abortions.
Have you ever been to the National Vietnam Memorial in
Washington D.C.? The Crusaders went when we attended the Pro-Life March in
January. It is a shiny black wall that stretches 492 feet and lists the
names of 58,022 known Americans killed in that war. If we were to
construct a wall listing the children killed by abortion since 1973, the wall
would be 60 miles long!! The casualties of all of our wars put together
do not equal the casualties from abortion in a single year.
I want to read an excerpt from the message dated October 7,
1974 when Our Blessed Mother stated, "Yes, My Child, I weep for My sons
in Christ, whom they represent. I weep for them, for would they fulfill
their true vows and speak to the young children and the parents, many of the
unborn would be walking the streets; instead of that, they are buried in
garbage, in incinerators, yes, even in water. There was no consideration
that that fetus, that unborn child, is the creation of God the Father in heaven.
This, My child, brings tears to my eyes and grieves me deeply. I ask you,
here, to work harder to stop this terrible onslaught of human lives."
Our Holy Mother was quite urgent in Her request.
Each person must do his part. Not every one is called in the same
direction, but this holocaust can no longer continue and we are called to end
There are many simple little things that can promote life
that do not require much work. Place bumper stickers on your car, wear the
precious feet pin or pro-life T-shirts, proudly fly a pro-life flag in your
yard. More importantly offer masses and holy hours for mothers
contemplating abortion, fast or sacrifice for the unborn, write elected
officials. Let them know you are pro-life. We may not see the frits
of our work, but it is important that we persevere in what we are called to do.
As humans we tend to seek instant gratification for the things that we do and
often become discouraged when we do not always see the positive results.
God did not call us to win the war or be victorious, be He calls us to
fearlessly fight and that is how we will be judged. How dedicated and how
persistent were we to God's will and saving His children? One of the
important things that we can do this year is vote and encourage others to vote
with a Catholic conscience. Father Frank Pavone, National
Director of Priests for Life, calls this election pivotal in the pro-life
movement. We need strong God-fearing, pro-life men in office. It is
dependent on our prayers and the effort that we put forth into having the right
men elected.
We have to make time. Make this work a priority.
Those of you that live in the cities and near abortion mills, you must go out
and picket in front of the mills. You must stand up and be counted.
It is not easy to stand out there for several hours in the cold. It is
much easier to stay in your warm home and say a few prayers. If you live
too far away, or if you are unable to picket, then please contact a local
pro-life group. Find out when they picket, and go to Church and dedicate
an hour of prayer for that group, that they may reach a young mother and
persuade her to save her baby. We have to be the voice for those who have
been silenced and sidewalk counsel the young men and women entering the clinic.
Pray for their conversion. We have God and His Holy Mother on our side
and they have given us the most powerful weapon, the Rosary. they are just
waiting for us to use it.
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