Welcome to the Queen
of the Holy Rosary
Between God and Man Shrine
To stand firmly for God and for Country;
To bring the truth
to all people;
To bring peace and
unity between home,
school, and
Thus bringing
everlasting peace to the nation.
On November 12, 1949 the Mother of God appeared
to Mary Ann Van Hoof, a farm wife and mother of
eight children, outside of the small village of
Necedah, Wisconsin. For 34 years messages
concerning the youth, the Catholic Church,
America, and the world were given to her. Mary
Ann was told to “Bring the truth to all people.”
Since the beginning of the Apparitions, the
Mother of God pleaded for prayers and guidance
for the youth. She stated that she came to
Necedah primarily for the youth. She begged them
to be pure and chaste.
Much effort is put forth to carry out heaven’s
requests, to unite all Christians in promoting
the Constant Vigil of Prayer, Patriotism,
putting Christ in Christmas, and working to save
the unborn.
The Blessed Mother said to Mary Ann: “The
blessings will be given to many that come to
these grounds, and the grace we hope will flow
into their hearts.”
Many testimonies have been received recounting
conversions, reversions, cures, miracles
witnessed and favors received. Also the silver
links of Rosaries have changed to gold and
sometimes the beads have changed color. The
Blessed Mother has revealed at Necedah that “the
Rosary is the strongest weapon against the enemy
of God.”
If you have been blessed with a cure or miracle,
we encourage you to contact the shrine and send
a written description to the shrine.
The Information Center is open Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 10:00 A.M.
to 1:00 P.M. and Wednesday and Friday 1:00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M. Saturday from 10:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. and Sunday from 10:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. Guides will explain the
apparitions and answer questions. Rosaries,
crucifixes, statues, medals, and books can be
purchased. Free literature and scapulars are
also available.
In respect to the Blessed Mother and Saints who
have appeared here, we ask that all visiting the
Shrine observe modesty in dress. Wrap-around
skirts are available at the Information Center.
Also silence is appreciated near the Sacred Spot
where the Blessed Mother appeared, because it is
reserved for prayer.
Group and bus tours are welcome. Please contact
the shrine to make arrangements. Admission is

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