Queen of the Holy Rosary Mediatrix Between God and Man Shrine
Necedah • Wisconsin

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The Holy Family Shrine

The Holy Family Shrine

This is the main room of Their home in Nazareth, and one of six important places of the Holy Lands reproduced on the grounds.  All were shown to Mary Ann as they were when Our Lord, Mary and Joseph were living.  Message, June 16, 1968: "Bring back the ways of the Holy Family.   Live the life of the Holy Family, and invoke into your hearts God the Father.  Let the husbands stand up for their rights in their homes.
"If you enthrone your home to the Sacred Heart, and you respect the father as the father of the home, and God the Father of the entirety, that home will be a happy home.  That home can meet any crisis no matter how severe it might be.  For when there is a love in the home, it binds them together, and they will all weather the storm regardless; but when you split apart, there is nothing.  If the U.S.A. returns to the family life, you would all be surprised the change; but when you forget the family, and first of all, God the Father, there cannot be success, no matter what you attempt to accomplish, it can only fail!